Wednesday, 7 August 2013


A small fish in a large pond 
A big fish in a small pond.

What is more important – the size of the fish or the size of the pond OR is it important at all?  Let us try and answer this question from a Contributor viewpoint.

The size as is mentioned in the statement above and as understood by contributors is one’s “Potential to Contribute”. This potential is limitless but more importantly it is ever expanding. Contributors continuously push themselves to do more and to do it better. They are forever asking one question – Am I adding value? The relentless pursuit of the answer to this question sees them taking bigger and bigger responsibilities. Responsibilities which they have never taken up in the past yet they fear not and take it up knowing that they will do whatever it takes to deliver that responsibility. They are continuously thinking of solving bigger and bigger problems to find better and better solutions.

And what happens when a contributor delivers on a responsibility? His potential to contribute increases i.e. his size increases. He now cannot fit into earlier the responsibility frame and so he takes up more, and the positive cycle of “Doing – Learning – Doing” continues. This is precisely why you will always find the same set of people taking up bigger and bigger projects.

Let us come back to your case, freshers eager to take up their first jobs. Remember every job is a “Space of Contribution” and you are the “Potential to Contribute”. When you achieve your potential, it further expands and when this happens the space expands too.

So what happens when many such young people start delivering tremendous value at the same time. The pond size itself starts to expand. The small pond turns into a river then into a sea and finally into an ocean.

Examples of such kind are plenty, any company which has grown significantly in a short span of time had only one thing in common – They had many CONTRIBUTORS!“Size” is what you make of it!

Prof. Vishal B Patel & Prof Nainesh M Dhonde