Friday, 23 August 2013

Unit-2 The Contributor’s identity

Learning goal:
To enable students to recognize the “identity choices” that a Contributor makes and what his/her “image of self” is. The way in which Contributors choose to define themselves distinguishes them from others. This unit explores the question “who am I”.

Develop your own answer to the question “who am I?”

Non-contributors usually define themselves in terms of,
What they have acquired in life (e.g. qualifications, position, years of experience, etc.). This is a static identity, based on your past glories or past failures. This static identity leaves you trapped in history.

Contributors define themselves in terms of,
What they will become or accomplish (e.g. capacity to deliver, commitment and ownership of the organization’s purpose, etc.). This is a dynamic identity based on your “being” and “becoming”.

Such an identity lets we choose to live a better future.

In above mentioned example, The Contributor’s image of self is not defined by the qualifications and achievements he/she has got. Rather, he/she thinks of oneself as Someone who has the capability to make a positive difference in the world.

Points to keep in mind

Just being “highly qualified” or not, does not make one a contributor or a non-contributor. In fact, being preoccupied with one’s “qualifications, degrees, past achievements” can limit one (this is the static identity), because then one will not be focused on the contribution or difference one can make by using these qualifications in action (which will happen only if one has a dynamic identity).